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  • Statement on Labor Day 2017

    Sunday, 30 April 2017 | Statement

    There are 40 million workers in the Philippines. That is 41% of the country’s population. If 41% have gainful and regular employment, earn fair and equal wages, access full social protection, they can increase their purchasing power and participate in the national economic activity: they can insure their health, their children can finish their education, they can buy homes, they can make…


  • Itatag ang gobyernong makatao: Leksyon ng EDSA-People Power

    Friday, 24 February 2017 | Statement

    Ang leksyon ng kauna-unahang People Power sa EDSA ay ang katotohanang may kapangyarihan ang mamamayan na direktang iwaksi at patalsikin ang naghaharing pamahalaan kapag ito’y hindi na kumakalinga sa kagalingan ng bansa.


  • Reject the Reimposition of the Death Penalty; end the culture of violence and impunity

    Tuesday, 31 January 2017 | Statement

    Congress’ priority legislation is reinstating Capital Punishment in the country. The bill was railroaded through the House Committee on Justice last December and will be debated at the plenary sessions this week. International legal experts, human rights advocates and church leaders vowed to oppose the bill, saying it was abandoned in 1987 and 2006 for a reason: death penalty never solved the…


  • Martial Law Threats Unnecessary, Inflammatory, Divisive

    Sunday, 15 January 2017 | Statement

    President Duterte’s willingness to proclaim martial law “if the drug problem becomes virulent” contradicts his police chief’s pronouncement last September that the war on drugs is winning, with PNP Chief de la Rosa himself claiming that Operations “Oplan Tokhang” and “Oplan Double Barrel Alpha” have reduced the supply of drugs by some 80-90 percent.


  • We are not safe in the war on drugs

    Monday, 19 December 2016 | Statement

    It is hardly surprising that 78% of Filipinos worried about being victimized in the government's war on drugs, regardless whether they are actual drug users. Given President Duterte's confession of personally killing suspects, commitment to kill drug suspects until the end of his term, promising pardon for police who kill during operations, enforcing death penalty on 6 convicts daily and…