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  • Watch: The Human Rights Consequences of the War on Drugs in the Philippines

    Thursday, 20 July 2017 | Statement

    The US Congress' Tom Lantos Human Rights Commision conducted a hearing on the human rights consequences of the ‘war on drugs’ currently underway in the Philippines. Ellecer Carlos, iDEFEND's spokesperson, is among the witnesses who gave a report.

    Below is a video of the said hearing.

    Start playing the video at 1:04:00 or…


  • US Congress Public Hearing: The Human Rights Consequences of the War on Drugs in the Philippines

    Tuesday, 18 July 2017 | Statement

    The United States Congress will hold a public hearing reagarding the "The Human Rights Consequences of the War on Drugs in the Philippines". This is scheduled on July 20, 2017 at 10:00am (10:00pm in Manila time) at 2200 Rayburn House Office Building.


  • President Duterte’s Steady March to Authoritarian Rule

    Wednesday, 5 July 2017 | Statement

    never again 8fe56

    The Supreme Court’s 11-3-1 ruling, favoring Martial Law in Mindanao, has dashed the hopes of petitioners that Proclamation 216 will be rescinded before its 60-day deadline.


  • Extrajudicial killings and human insecurity in Duterte’s first year as president.

    Friday, 30 June 2017 | Statement

    In Rodrigo Duterte’s first year as president he has managed to destabilize not only his own country but the entire Asian region, first by entrenching impunity for the extermination of more than 12,000 Filipino citizens in his war on drugs; secondly, by demonizing human rights, trashing the rule of law, attacking foreign governments concerned with extrajudicial killings; thirdly by declaring a…


  • We Condemn the Declaration of Martial Law!

    Thursday, 25 May 2017 | Statement

    On Tuesday night, President Rodrigo Duterte declared Martial Law on the entire Mindanao Island while on a state visit in Russia, following the fighting between the military and the Maute group.  

    It has to be clarified that the clashes were triggered by law enforcement operation in Marawi. This is a situation started by the government itself. Similarly, the Maute group is a local…