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  • Philippines does not belong to UNHRC - iDEFEND

    Monday, 15 October 2018 | Statement

    The Philippines (Government) does not belong in the UN Human Rights Council and its membership must be rescinded or suspended for miserably failing to uphold human rights standards. The UN Human Rights Council should hold the GRP accountable to standards expected of members.



    Thursday, 20 September 2018 | Statement

    Noong ika-21 ng Setyembre 1972, pormal na idineklara ng dating Pangulong Ferdinand Marcos ang pagtatatag ng diktadura sa Pilipinas.

    Napabagsak ang diktadura noong 1986 subalit pinalitan lamang ito ng isang huwad na “demokrasya” na nagkubli lang sa patuloy na pamamayagpag ng mga panginoong maylupa at mga kapitalista.

    Ngayon, 46 na taon mula nang idineklara ni Marcos ang batas…


  • Duterte SONA: Empty Gains, More Bloodshed

    Friday, 27 July 2018 | Statement

    Expect the bloodshed to continue.

    President Duterte has only confirmed what we already know to be true: that the drug war is relentless in its disregard for due process and rule of law, and chilling in the unprecedented level of violence and impunity. His campaign against drugs has failed to solve the drug problem as it has yet to jail big drug personalities and stop the flow of drugs…


  • 2018 State of the Nation: Duterte’s Charter change facilitates authoritarian rule

    Sunday, 22 July 2018 | Statement

    The House of Representatives is rushing to change the 1987 Constitution in order to impose a Federalized system of government that will institutionalize President Duterte’s authoritarian regime- despite an increasing number of Filipinos opposed to Chacha (Charter change). In a recent survey of Pulse Asia, Filipinos are more concerned with their health, labor contractualization (ENDO), and…


  • Statement Against Arbitrary Arrest of Minors Under “Oplan Tambay”

    Wednesday, 4 July 2018 | Statement

    We, the organisations named below, make this statement to express our serious alarm about the widespread arbitrary arrests of children taking place throughout the Philippines under the ‘Oplan Tambay’ project of the Philippine government.