The United States Congress will hold a public hearing reagarding the "The Human Rights Consequences of the War on Drugs in the Philippines". This is scheduled on July 20, 2017 at 10:00am (10:00pm in Manila time) at 2200 Rayburn House Office Building.
"Witnesses will analyze the implementation of the ‘war on drugs’ and its consequences for the human rights situation in the Philippines. They will also provide policy recommendations for ensuring accountability for human rights violations and for addressing the problems of drug abuse and trafficking in ways consistent with promoting public health and strengthening rule of law." the announcement states.
This hearing will be open to Members of the US Congress, congressional staff, the interested public, and the media. The hearing will be live-streamed via the Commission website,
The hearing will be hosted by James P. McGovern, M.C. and Randy Hultgren, M.C., Co-Chairs of TLHRC
- Ellecer Carlos, Spokesperson, iDEFEND, The Philippines
- Matthew Wells, Senior Crisis Advisor, Amnesty International
- Phelim Kine, Deputy Director, Asia Division, Human Rights Watch