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  • iDEFEND condemns Police Brutality on Successive Dispersals of SANDUGO rallies

    Wednesday, 19 October 2016 | Statement

    iDEFEND strongly condemns the mowing down of protesters near the US embassy yesterday, and the firing of water cannons at them in front of Camp Aguinaldo last Tuesday.

    The rallies called for a stop to militarization and intrusion of foreign corporations in ancestral territories and the end of EDCA. The groups further demanded an end to the presence of U.S. troops in the country,…


  • iDEFEND warns against institutionalised violence in the proposed reintroduction of capital punishment

    Tuesday, 4 October 2016 | Statement

    President Rodrigo Duterte has pushed for the re-imposition of capital punishment soon after assuming the presidency, asking his allies in Congress to pass an urgent bill on the matter for retribution against crime and as part of the war on drug abuse.

    Now, there are thirteen (13) bills filed in both houses of Congress. More notable are additional three bills seeking to lower the age of…


  • iDEFEND calls for Locsin’s resignation from UN post

    Sunday, 2 October 2016 | Statement

    Following global condemnation of President Duterte’s claim to follow in Hitler’s example which forced the President to do another vague “clarification”, the new Philippine Ambassador to the United Nations is not wasting any time defending those awful words by citing that German Nazis did many things right, and asking the people to look beyond the holocaust.


  • Investigate the Killings, Stop the Impunity

    Friday, 23 September 2016 | Statement

    iDEFEND (In Defense of Human Rights and Dignity Movement) condemns in the strongest terms the killing of former union president of R&E Taxi Edilberto Miralles , who was gunned down in front of the National Labor and Relations Commission (NLRC) office in Quezon City before noon on September 23.

    The group called for the Commission on Human Rights to step in and investigate the death…


  • End the Killings. Uphold Human Rright. Defend Democracy

    Tuesday, 20 September 2016 | Statement

    Today is the International Day of Peace.

    Development and peace go together, and this is why the United Nations sees as central to the achievement of sustainable development the drastic reduction of all forms of violence, the promotion of the rule of law, and equal access to justice for all.