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  • 37th Regular Session of the UN Human Rights Council

    Monday, 26 March 2018 | Statement

    org logos 5f868

    Item 4: General debate on human rights situations that require the Council’s attention


  • Statement on President Duterte’s orders to withdraw from the International Criminal Court

    Wednesday, 14 March 2018 | Statement

    On March 14 President Duterte announced the ‘immediate’ withdrawal of the Philippines from the International Criminal Court, after claiming it had no jurisdiction over him, instructing the police not to cooperate with any international investigation into extrajudicial killings in the war on drugs all the while threatening UN rights investigators with the possibility of being fed to crocodiles…


  • Ending the War on Drugs Saves Lives

    Wednesday, 28 February 2018 | Statement

    Foreign Secretary Alan Cayetano on Tuesday told the UN Human Rights Council that the deadly war on drugs was meant to save Filipino lives from the scourge of illegal drugs. He thinks the world is hearing this for the first time. But the same argument was also used by a dictator forty years ago, except at that time, it was to save the country from “communists”.


  • Reject Charter Change, Uphold Democracy, Defend Human Rights!

    Saturday, 24 February 2018 | Statement

    Crafted by a Congress that propped up the failed war on drugs, extended martial law in Mindanao, legislated TRAIN, reintroduced death penalty, lowered the age of criminal responsibility of children, pushed for the term extension of President Duterte and applauded his misogynist jokes, the new draft Constitution spells further political and economic crises for the Philippines.


  • IDEFEND welcomes the decision of the ICC Prosecutor to conduct a preliminary investigation into EJKs under the government’s war on illegal drugs

    Friday, 9 February 2018 | Statement

    In Defense of Human Rights and Dignity Movement welcomes the decision of the ICC Prosecutor to conduct a preliminary investigation into EJKs under the government’s war on illegal drugs. iDEFEND considers it as a critical opportunity for government to seriously re-asses its violent approach to the drugs issue in the country and to finally abandon the current war on drugs.